Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Tenderloin Steak with Manggo Sauce

Maybe Tenderloin Steak usual so the menu mainstay at the restaurant, cafe or hotel. Usually tenderloin steak served with barbeque sauce, mushroom or black pepper. So how ya feel if Tenderloin Steak served with Mango Sauce or Mango Sauce?
Fresh sweet taste sensation that's like trying to Hotel Savoy Homann presented with a menu mainstay newest Pan Grill Steak Tenderloin with Mango Sauce.

"Now it anymore mango season, so we use materials that are widely available for dikreasikan in the menu," says Chef Yayan Suryana.

Mango Mango used is the type that tastes according to Arum Manis Yayan can go anywhere. "Mango Sweet taste of his Arum signed anywhere," he said.
To make the fresh Mango Sauce, Mango blend Yayan then add cream and milk and then heated while adding the butter. Adding butter called Yayan to make the sauce more shiny and seductive tongue.

Grill Pan Tenderloin Steak with Mango Sauce is served with Vegetable timbale, which consists of potatoes, carrots and broccoli that had been crushed and processed. Then arranged in a stack so the results are colorful.

"Usually it friend steak potatoes, this time replaced with Vegetable timbali of several vegetables," said Yayan who has experienced a chef for 32 years.

A serving of Pan Grill Tenderloin Steak with Mango Sauce consists of about 180 grams of meat has the options that have been processed with herbs and baked in grill. Not to forget, Rainbow Peppers and Chesee Stick participate beautify this menu.
Main courses costing Rp 50,000 this is perfect for your dinner menu. Good taste sensation Pan Grill Steak Tenderloin with Mango Sauce! (Tya / avi)

Source: Eka Yulianti Tya - detikBandung

See also:
Dim Sum

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